Note: This post was first published in 2017, but has been updated. She sat across the table from us with tears flowing as she shared how desperately she wanted her husband to lead their family spiritually. It hurt that he hadn’t. A woman needs her man to lead his family spiritually. If he doesn’t, the burden of the spiritual welfare of the family lands on his wife and it’s heavy. The Bible says, “For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the…
Note: This post was first published on January 10, 2018 but has been updated. Today we’re talking about respect for a wife. What should you do when your husband doesn’t show respect for you as a person or for your role as wife and mother in the home? Here’s what a wife shared with me: I feel my husband does not respect my position as a wife. Not only do we have different beliefs, but the things we value are very different which causes friction and I feel like my decisions are not respected. My decision…