Note: This post was first published in 2017, but has been updated. She sat across the table from us with tears flowing as she shared how desperately she wanted her husband to lead their family spiritually. It hurt that he hadn’t. A woman needs her man to lead his family spiritually. If he doesn’t, the burden of the spiritual welfare of the family lands on his wife and it’s heavy. The Bible says, “For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the…
Note: This post was first published on January 10, 2018 but has been updated. Today we’re talking about respect for a wife. What should you do when your husband doesn’t show respect for you as a person or for your role as wife and mother in the home? Here’s what a wife shared with me: I feel my husband does not respect my position as a wife. Not only do we have different beliefs, but the things we value are very different which causes friction and I feel like my decisions are not respected. My decision…
I hear from women all the time. They tell me about why they are unhappy in marriage. The one common reason that wives are unhappy in marriage is that their emotional needs are not met. Here’s a composite of what I hear: “I long to have my emotional needs met but whenever I talk to my husband about my needs he gets very upset. He blames me and tells me I’m breaking him down. My husband won’t talk to me or listen. I feel so disconnected from him. When I am anxious my husband tells me to…
Note: This post first appeared in 2020 but has been updated. Do you have a logical, practical husband, but he lacks a little in the romance department? Have you given up all hope of ever having romance in your marriage? If this is you, I’m here to tell you there’s hope! Picture this: you feel in love with your husband (and he with you), you enjoy being together, and you have chemistry… Far fetched? Not at all. Only for newly-weds? Nope. Let’s jump right into exploring how you can help your husband be more romantic. But…
Note: This post first appeared in 2017 but has had a major overhaul. 🙂 Is your marriage stalled? Lifeless? Do you fear it’s even dying or dead? How can you rekindle your marriage? Before you try and figure out what to do about your dull marriage, let’s look at the signs of a failing marriage. What are the signs of a failing marriage? Related: 14 Signs your marriage may be in trouble What causes a marriage to die? There are many things that could cause a marriage to fizzle out: While infidelity can kill a marriage swiftly…
I received a message from a young woman asking if it’s wrong for her to want her husband to do everything with her. She believes that a young couple should be together as much as they can, and wants to do everything with her husband – even if he just keeps her company while she does stuff. But her husband doesn’t agree. He’s tired when he gets home from work and doesn’t want to follow her around while she does stuff. Her argument is that after work is the only time they get to see each…
Note: This post contains affiliate links. The media has led women to believe that if we don’t function sexually like a man then there’s something wrong with us. Movies portray women as always eager for sex and instantly aroused, and because we don’t experience sexuality that way, we may assume that we are just not attracted to our husbands or there is something wrong with us. Wrong! Women (and their husbands) need to learn how their sexuality works. Note: I’m assuming that you are not in an abusive relationship or that one of you…
Brenda and I went to school together and I attended her wedding way back when. She glowed with happiness as people pinned money to her wedding gown at the reception. It all looked so perfect, but I didn’t know she’d be stuck in an abusive relationship for years. Brenda stayed stuck because she felt unworthy and like the abuse was her fault. She forgave and forgot countless times, hoping things would get better. They didn’t. Her husband was addicted to pornography. Brenda broke the videos when she found them. He watched porn at work or other people…
Is there a conversation you’ve been putting off because it’s too difficult or you don’t know how to get started? Maybe you’re angry with someone for something they did or did not do you feel guilty or embarrassed about something you did you need to confront inappropriate behaviour you need to share something you see needs adjustment in the other person Difficult, awkward conversations crop up everywhere. Why are difficult conversations so hard? Difficult conversations can be hard for a number of reasons: You hate conflict You’re afraid of saying the wrong thing You’re…