June 5, 2023

Do You Have A Child-Run Home?

Who’s in charge at your house?  You or your kids?    Have you surrendered your authority and put your children in charge? In this post we’ll look at how to recognise a child-run home and the dangers of child-centered parenting. We’ll also look at how to avoid this kind of parenting.     What is child-centered parenting? Child-centered parenting makes the children more important than the adults. It puts the child’s needs, wants, and preferences above those of the parents. All decisions are made or influenced by the…

How to Deal with Tantrums

Note: This post was first published in 2017 but has been updated. Woah.  Overnight your child mutated from a cute toddler into a fit-throwing stranger, as volatile as the Middle East.  You’re bewildered, frustrated, embarrassed, weary, and don’t know what to do.   Where did your sweet child go? How do you calm a tantrum? I’m going to share my unpopular opinion about tantrums: You don’t have to tolerate tantrums. I repeat:  You don’t have to tolerate tantrums.  In fact, you shouldn’t tolerate them. Not even once.  &nbsp…