Love & Marriage

Intimacy in marriage, sex, communication, boundaries, and romance.

What Couples Can Expect from Sex After 40

In their book, The Act of Marriage After 40, the LaHaye’s share a joke: [i] The following are the three stages of a couple’s love life- Couples in their twenties have sex triweekly. Couples in their thirties try weekly to have sex. Couples in their forties, fifties, and sixties try weakly to have sexual relations. Those of you crossing the threshold into the middle-age years, don’t believe a word of what you may hear about your sex life dying. It won’t die (unless you let it), but you will have to adapt to the changes…

Is the Difference Between Male & Female Sexual Responsiveness Holding Your Love Life Ransom?

Are you ever confused by your spouse? Why does she never initiate sex? Why does he always want it? (Sometimes it’s the other way around…) Why does this apparent incompatibility between men and women exist? Why didn’t God just make us the same? There’d be no arguments or misunderstandings about sex if both men and women related to it in the same way. God designed men and women to respond differently to sex for a reason: To teach us to communicate, to serve each other, and to seek understanding of the other. Instead, we don’t communicate…

10 Ways to Make Sex Happen When You Have Kids

Let’s face it, having kids is demanding – physically and emotionally. This, together with all the other pressures of life, puts pressure on your marriage. And the first thing to suffer is your sex life. How do you keep this part of your relationship alive when you are too tired, too busy, too stressed? By being intentional. You have to find ways to make sex happen, or it won’t. Here are some ways you can be intentional about your sexual relationship as a couple: 1.Schedule sex. While this may sound boring and lacking spontaneity, if you don’t…

The 12 Stages of Physical Intimacy and Why You Should Progress Through Them Slowly

How important is physical touch in relationship? Is there a correlation between the level of touch and the depth of the relationship? A behavioural scientist named Desmond Morris became interested in why some couples stay together for life and why some divorce. He studied many couples and found that the ones who stayed together had followed similar progressions of intimacy, leaving sufficient time before advancing to the next stage. He figured that this gave the couple time to sufficiently bond during each phase of their relationship. 12 stages of physical intimacy In his book, Morris suggests there are 12 stages…

6 Things Not to Talk About Too Soon in a Relationship

Have you ever had someone tell you their “deep and darks” when you hardly know them? Maybe you’ve come away from a conversation with someone you don’t know very well and felt that you’ve overshared. How much should you share with someone at the beginning of a relationship? Should you spill your guts so they know what they’re getting into? Why shouldn’t you tell too much too soon? Telling your deep and darks requires a relationship that is reasonably solid. It must be able to bear the emotional weight of sharing deep things. This strength…

How to Get Over a Breakup

Maybe you thought he or she was the ONE. You were making important life decisions around him or her, planning your future together, dreaming of the life you were going to have. And suddenly it’s all over. He or she decided you weren’t the ONE for them. And you are broken. Maybe you were in a toxic relationship and it needed to end, yet you still feel attached to the person. Maybe you are the one who ended the relationship and now you’re having second thoughts. You miss “belonging” with someone. How does a wounded heart heal…

How to Overcome A Pornography Addiction

Some sources say the average age of exposure to pornography is around 11 years old, others say around 8, and still others, around 4 years old.   The internet has brought it right to our doorstep whether we want it or not. 6 year olds discover it on google on the family computer even though they can’t spell the word ‘naked’ (thanks, google, for correcting our spelling?). 12 year olds ask 10 year olds for nude pictures. Teenagers look at it on their iPad in the living room – under their parent’s noses. Husbands show their wives porn videos…

How to Keep Your Hormones from Ruining Your Marriage

For the men and husbands out there: please read this so you can understand and support your wife. If you’re not married it will give you insight into the struggle women face and help you understand your future wife. Hormones are wonderful things. And terrible things. They make you feel great one moment and awful the next. If you’re a woman you most likely resonate with this. It’s estimated that as many as 3 of every 4 menstruating women have experienced some form of premenstrual syndrome. [i] I am definitely one of those 3 out of 4…

10 Red Flags in Dating Relationships

What are you looking for in the person you will marry? Should they read their Bible? Be fun to be with? Like the things you like? Be physically attractive and intelligent? Allow me to let you in on a secret – most divorces don’t happen because a spouse was not intelligent or attractive enough, or because they were boring or didn’t read their Bible as much as the other person did.   Most marriages end over issues like lack of emotional connection, infidelity, anger, or criticism. It’s OK to have preferences and tastes (and you should have…