Two Morning Routines that Boost Productivity for the Whole Day

Note: This post first appeared in 2019 but has been updated.  

Everyone has a morning routine. The question is, is yours helping you get a good start or is it hijacking your day?

In the words of Tim Ferris,

“If you win the morning, you win the day.”

A good morning routine will increase your energy, mood, performance and productivity, giving you a sense of control over your life.   

Because life is so demanding, it’s tempting to forgo the seemingly unimportant stuff, and get going with the “real” stuff – like work and all that the day throws at you.  

But is that really productive?

Apparently not.

The main benefit of a morning routine:

It builds momentum.

Accomplishing something small like stretching for 10 minutes or reading a chapter from an inspirational book makes you feel like you have already achieved something and will help propel you into your day.

This puts you in a positive and proactive mindset which leads to better performance throughout the day.

Because morning sets the tone for the day it’s vital to start off right. Getting up in time and doing a few key things will start your day off calm, clear, and unrushed.

Related: 5 Ways to stop procrastinating

What should you include in your morning routine?

A good morning routine should include:

Something physical and something mental.

Let’s break that down a bit.


The physical component should contain elements that create energy.

This includes being mindful of what you put into your body and what you do with your body.  

Eat breakfast

Eating a power breakfast not only sets your body on the right path for the day, it gives mental clarity and focus.

Be sure your breakfast includes highly nutritious, whole foods that will keep your blood sugar stable.

Stable blood sugar = stable energy levels and mental focus.  

Sugary cereal is not the food to keep your blood sugar stable. Whole grains, fruit, nuts and seeds are the better choice.


Exercise releases endorphins – nature’s mood elevator that improves memory. Instead of depleting energy, exercise actually boosts it.   

Getting your heart rate up and your blood flowing for a few minutes gives you the energy you need to think clearly and stay focused.

Since will-power weakens as the day progresses, exercising before breakfast ensures that you will get it done. If you’re like me, I feel less and less like exercising as the day goes by, so I discipline myself to get it done early.

And it really does give a sense of accomplishment, propelling me into my day.   


The mental component should contain things that stimulate your mind and set your day up for a good start.

Stimulation and contemplation

This includes prayer, Bible study (no book is better to study for mental stimulation), or reading from an inspirational book. Read something that challenges your thinking.

Spend a few minutes contemplating what you have read.

By reading in the morning you are engaging your mind beyond your daily tasks, and thinking critically sets the tone for the rest of the day.

Related: 10 Ways to develop consistent devotional time

Consult your plan for the day

Reviewing your schedule for the day will keep you on track and increase your productivity.

If chaos happens, go with the flow, but then get back on schedule as soon as you can.

Having a plan and consulting your plan requires being intentional. And unless you are intentional, nothing will change.  

Make decisions in the morning that represent the person you want to become.

Related: Time management for Christians

Tips for implementing your morning routine:

  • Consistency is important. A routine that’s constant gives your day a firm foundation.
  • Get enough sleep. Not even the best morning routine will work if you are groggy from lack of sleep. Your morning starts the night before.
  • Prepare for the morning the night before. Lay out your exercise clothes so you don’t have to think about it when your alarm goes off.
  • Get up at the same time every day.
  • Start small. Add things one at a time to your morning routine. Be sure they are intentional and purposeful.   
  • Don’t check emails or social media before you have done your morning routine. Doing this brings on the busyness of the day, and your mind becomes preoccupied with things you have to do and what other people need from you.
  • Review your morning routine and adjust it if necessary. Identify what’s keeping you from having the morning routine you want. Is it sleep? The snooze button? Distractions? Lack of planning the night before?

What you do with your morning is a choice. And every day you make a decision about how you will start your day.

You may feel like you are getting ahead by skipping breakfast or devotional time and getting started with your “real” day, but in reality, skipping anything that gives you the edge mentally or physically is putting you at a disadvantage.

As Tim Ferris said,

“If you win the morning, you win the day.”

What is your morning routine doing for you? Are you taking control of your morning, or is your morning taking control of you?

About The Author

Jennifer Lovemore

Jennifer has three grown kids and is married to her best friend, Richard. She started this website as a platform to help families, and specifically women, to take control of their lives and grow themselves spiritually, mentally & emotionally, and to discover their God-given purpose and live it out with confidence. She is a certified Life Coach and has diplomas in relationship counselling and CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy). She is a certified SYMBIS (Save Your Marriage Before It Starts) facilitator. She lives in sunny South Africa.


  1. DS | 16th Oct 19

    Thanks Jenny, I have to try it. Hopefully it will change my day

    • Jenny | 16th Oct 19

      It certainly makes a difference for me! By the time I sit down for breakfast I feel like I’ve already accomplished something and it really does give momentum!

  2. Desmond Reuben | 17th Oct 19

    Thank you for the sound advice.I have struggled with maintaining a routine and was wondering if there was any hope for me. Reading your blog was very providential for me . I always find mornings to be quite hectic. I will certainly try to implement it gradually into my morning.

    • Jenny | 17th Oct 19

      Thanks for sharing, Desmond. The trick is to add one thing at a time. 🙂
      Let us know how it goes. 🙂

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