10 Best Planning Tips to Increase Productivity

One of my biggest challenges as a SAHM was the frustration of not getting stuff done that I wanted to get done. I didn’t realise that being productive has a lot to do with planning. I was never taught to plan and didn’t even consider it necessary. I just lived. I allowed life to happen to me. The result was that my feelings or crises dictated my life, which led to a lot of stress and overwhelm, which led to irritation, which led to yelling at my kids, which led to guilt. Sounds like chaos. Yup. It…

The Importance of Small, Daily Habits

Note: This post was first published in March 2020 and has been updated. We all have at least one big goal in life – it may be making lots of money, buying a house, getting married, traveling overseas, becoming a famous YouTuber, raising great kids, or having the best marriage. While it’s great to have goals, we often don’t achieve them. Why is that? Because we focus on the goal instead of what will get us to the goal. We forget about the small, daily actions that move us toward buying the house, getting married, or raising great kids…

10 Ways to Increase Productivity at Home

Do you feel like you are always chasing your tail, never able to get your to-do list done? Do you feel overwhelmed most of the time? Your attention is pulled in so many directions and you have a lot of stuff going around in your head. You may feel like you’re drowning and like you’re failing as a mother. Your chaos is next level. How can you regain your sanity and eliminate chaos, stress, and overwhelm? How to eliminate chaos and increase productivity Being a stay at home mom can be chaotic because you don’t have…

How to Prioritise your Life

We all have multiple relationships and tasks to manage and at times it can feel overwhelming trying to meet the demands of life. Social media bombards us with things we “should” be doing. We get distracted with “bling” that brings no long-term results, and our most important people and tasks get the dregs of our time and energy. The pace we live at demands that we prioritise or the most important things will be neglected.   Prioritising means valuing one task or aspect of your life over another. It means to prefer, to give precedence to something. The Bible…

What To Do If Your Husband Is Not Leading Your Family Spiritually

Note: This post was first published in 2017, but has been updated. She sat across the table from us with tears flowing as she shared how desperately she wanted her husband to lead their family spiritually.  It hurt that he hadn’t. A woman needs her man to lead his family spiritually.  If he doesn’t, the burden of the spiritual welfare of the family lands on his wife and it’s heavy. The Bible says, “For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the…

What To Do When Your Husband Doesn’t Respect You

Note: This post was first published on January 10, 2018 but has been updated. Today we’re talking about respect for a wife.  What should you do when your husband doesn’t show respect for you as a person or for your role as wife and mother in the home?  Here’s what a wife shared with me: I feel my husband does not respect my position as a wife.  Not only do we have different beliefs, but the things we value are very different which causes friction and I feel like my decisions are not respected. My decision…

One Common Reason Wives are Unhappy in Marriage

I hear from women all the time. They tell me about why they are unhappy in marriage. The one common reason that wives are unhappy in marriage is that their emotional needs are not met. Here’s a composite of what I hear: “I long to have my emotional needs met but whenever I talk to my husband about my needs he gets very upset. He blames me and tells me I’m breaking him down. My husband won’t talk to me or listen. I feel so disconnected from him. When I am anxious my husband tells me to…

10 Things You Can Do to Leave Past Mistakes Behind

Note: This post first appeared in 2018 but has been updated. When I was 18 I did something that I’ve often regretted.  It was totally out of character for me and every time I think of it I feel shame.  I’ve prayed for forgiveness many times but it still haunts me.  I wish I could go back and change what I did but I can’t. Can you relate? You want to forget your mistakes, forgive yourself and move on but it’s hard. Maybe you’re divorced.  Maybe you were sexually promiscuous before…

8 Ways to Help your Husband be More Romantic

Note: This post first appeared in 2020 but has been updated. Do you have a logical, practical husband, but he lacks a little in the romance department? Have you given up all hope of ever having romance in your marriage? If this is you, I’m here to tell you there’s hope! Picture this: you feel in love with your husband (and he with you), you enjoy being together, and you have chemistry… Far fetched? Not at all. Only for newly-weds? Nope. Let’s jump right into exploring how you can help your husband be more romantic. But…