Do you ever feel tired of being a mom, and wish you could just “check out” and have a break? Do you feel guilty feeling that you want some alone time, away from your kids, without responsibilities? Let’s face it, “Momming” is a demanding job. It’s 24/7/365. There are no weekends. No public holidays. Even when your husband takes over for a bit, your mind is still engaged with your kids. You may be in another room, but you’re still wondering, why is he allowing them to make so much noise? or why isn’t…
Is it wrong for Christians to have strong negative emotions? Because the Bible speaks against anger, hatred and other strong emotions, we often cover them with a veneer of cheerful Christianity while they churn beneath the surface like Mount Etna waiting to erupt. While I believe throwing tantrums is not a healthy way for a child to express emotion, I don’t believe we should teach them to shut down their emotions and not express them at all. Read about tantrums here) Shutting down strong emotions may seem like a quick solution, but it’s counterproductive. What’s wrong…
Who am I to try and do this anyway? No one will pay attention to what I say. It’s not going to work, so don’t even try. It’s probably going to fail. Do you relate to any of these self-sabotaging thoughts and feelings? What is self-sabotage? Self-sabotaging behaviour is the intentional action (or inaction) that undermines your progress and prevents you from accomplishing your goals. It can impact everything from career to relationships to personal growth. 3 Types of self-sabotaging behaviour Before we look at how to overcome self-sabotage, let’s talk…
Do you have a sense of purpose for your life? Do you know what God designed you to be and do with your life? This can be a hard thing to figure out, and we often have to wade through a lot of junk such as expectations of family or society, false ideas about success, and false beliefs about ourselves, in order to find our true purpose. Why do we need purpose in life? God created us to need purpose, meaning, a reason to get out of bed in the morning. A 2010 study published in Applied Psychology found that…
Note: This post first appeared in 2019 but has been updated. Everyone has a morning routine. The question is, is yours helping you get a good start or is it hijacking your day? In the words of Tim Ferris, “If you win the morning, you win the day.” A good morning routine will increase your energy, mood, performance and productivity, giving you a sense of control over your life. Because life is so demanding, it’s tempting to forgo the seemingly unimportant stuff, and get going with the “real” stuff – like work and all that the day throws…
Note: This post first appeared in 2019 but has been updated. Do you have an endless to-do list that never gets done? Maybe you don’t have that many things to do, but they still don’t get done. Are you a procrastinator, forever transferring things from today’s to-do list to tomorrow’s? How you can overcome procrastination and turn your ‘undone’ list into a ‘done’ one? Before we answer that question, here are some things people procrastinate about the most: The role of dopamine in getting things done Before we get into how to help yourself…
One of my biggest challenges as a SAHM was the frustration of not getting stuff done that I wanted to get done. I didn’t realise that being productive has a lot to do with planning. I was never taught to plan and didn’t even consider it necessary. I just lived. I allowed life to happen to me. The result was that my feelings or crises dictated my life, which led to a lot of stress and overwhelm, which led to irritation, which led to yelling at my kids, which led to guilt. Sounds like chaos. Yup. It…
Note: This post was first published in March 2020 and has been updated. We all have at least one big goal in life – it may be making lots of money, buying a house, getting married, traveling overseas, becoming a famous YouTuber, raising great kids, or having the best marriage. While it’s great to have goals, we often don’t achieve them. Why is that? Because we focus on the goal instead of what will get us to the goal. We forget about the small, daily actions that move us toward buying the house, getting married, or raising great kids…
Do you feel like you are always chasing your tail, never able to get your to-do list done? Do you feel overwhelmed most of the time? Your attention is pulled in so many directions and you have a lot of stuff going around in your head. You may feel like you’re drowning and like you’re failing as a mother. Your chaos is next level. How can you regain your sanity and eliminate chaos, stress, and overwhelm? How to eliminate chaos and increase productivity Being a stay at home mom can be chaotic because you don’t have…